Saturday, September 29, 2012

Shelby Rose

It's hard to believe that Shelby Rose will be here in about 15 weeks (or less)!! It seems like not so long ago I was wondering if the tests were correct and I was really pregnant because it just didn't feel like it! It feels like it now!! She is very active and must have a head of hair already because this heartburn is no fun! :) I'm getting excited to see what she looks like! We are starting to get everything ready for her arrival. The stroller and pack and play have both been ordered and are on the way! We also have a swing, bouncer, tub, Boppy, Nap Nanny, and a lot of the little things too! Daddy just has to put everything together now! 

We have been enjoying our football Saturdays during which we lay around all day and relax! I am looking forward to a Baby Expo in October and a craft fair in November! I also have a CPR class and my last class towards my graduate certificate coming up in the next few weeks! I am not looking forward to the glucose test coming up in a couple of weeks! Yuck! Tyler and I both got our flu shots and Tdap shots in preparation for Shelby! My arm is still sore! :( 

Tyler did good in his classes and is trying to figure out which ones to take next. He went to a promotion board and is now promotable! He still has to go to WLC (Warrior Leadership Course) and get some more points, but he is working on it! He also got an award, the Good Conduct Medal! (They get this one once every 3 years if they don't get into any trouble!)

It's hard to believe how fast time is flying! I like how fast the week days go by (work is pretty boring for me now), but I wish the weekends would slow down! Before I know it the holidays will be over and Shelby will be here! Then I will really want time to slow down! We only have 8 more months on the island right now! I am working on finishing up the last few things I want to see and do here. Next weekend I am going to visit the Iolani Palace. We have a three day weekend for Columbus Day which is awesome! Tyler will be going home for a few days for Timmy and Danielle's wedding in October! I really wish I could go to see some fall color, but I am too far along to feel comfortable traveling that far. Dakota and I will just hang out here!