Monday, March 19, 2012

Life in 2012

What is going on in our lives:

So I am not doing a very good job keeping up a blog. I am going to try to do better!! Here’s an update on the past year or so of our lives…We celebrated our first anniversary in Waikiki! I have taken 3 classes with CMU, currently working on my 4th. Only one more to go after this! We went to Maui last September, and it is my favorite island so far! So many great sights to see, and I loved the feel of Upcountry! We are now planning a trip to Kauai at the end of April for our second anniversary! Maria-Jade and Kassim came to visit us, and we had tons of fun! I miss my BFF so much! We went home to Michigan for Christmas and Tyler’s sister, Amanda’s wedding, and they on to Alabama for New Year’s and Erin’s wedding! It was a fun and busy trip! The next trip home for me will be in June for a short visit in Birmingham and Laura’s wedding! Tyler will go in October for Timmy’s wedding!

So now for the news that is a little more interesting. I made some pretty big resolutions this year that I am working hard to keep. I have been really focusing on getting in shape. I am doing Jillian videos, the Couch to 5K program, and walking a ton! It’s starting to show some results! I am also reading the Bible front to back this year. It’s going good so far, though I am a little behind. I just sponsored a little girl from Compassion International. I had thought about doing this last October when they do a funds campaign at work (you can just allocate a portion of your check to go straight to a charity). I talked to some people at work and heard about Compassion International. For some reason I never went through with sponsoring someone. Recently a friend posted on her blog about it and I decided to just go ahead and do it! J I just read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin (awesome book!!!) so it has got me thinking a lot about goals and resolutions. I am going to finish my certificate from CMU before the end of the year. My next goal to tackle is to give up caffeine. I am really addicted to my coffee that I drink daily. This will be a tough one.

So Tyler has recently decided to try to change his MOS (job for the Army) to an EOD tech, which is an Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician. (If you have seen the show Bomb Patrol Afghanistan, that’s who they are.) So, he has submitted a packet, gone through an interview, and been approved. Now we are just waiting on the next step which is mostly just paperwork and then he gets a class start date. We will PCS to Eglin AFB in Florida for him to start the program. He will go to Fort Lee in Virginia for 10 weeks and then come back to Eglin to do at least 28 weeks of training. We are both pretty excited about it and of course a little nervous. Tyler is ready to do a job that he really enjoys and work with people that are more like a family unit. I am ready to be close to home for a little while! We will still be in Hawaii until next June (2013). Since we are on an overseas tour, we pretty much have to stay here the full 3 years.

So there is my update for now about how we are and what is going on. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I work on keeping my resolutions. Pray that Tyler’s transition to a new job goes smoothly. The program is really tough so it will be a stressful time. Also pray for little Darlin in Honduras (she is the little girl I am sponsoring). Oh, and Dakota is doing well! J She is on a diet and is enjoying our many walks!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're doing better with your fitness resolution than I am. We did get a treadmill and I walk on it every morning, but I wanted to do more. I'm glad you're sponsoring a's really neat to know you're helping them out and they can be a real blessing when they write you sweet letters. Mom had told me ya'll would probably be moving to Florida next...that's great! Glad to hear things are going well...good luck with those resolutions!
