Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's a Girl!!

It's a GIRL!! We are having a baby girl!! I am super excited! We are still deciding on a name. We have the first name, but can't decide on a middle name! We are going for another ultrasound on Friday when they will do measurements. We have started shopping a little bit and I have a pretty good idea of what I want to get! Momma has sent two packages so far full of clothes! She is going to be one spoiled little girl!

There is not much else going on in our lives besides getting ready for baby girl. Tyler will not move to the EOD unit until January. I will be working up until I go on maternity leave and then more than likely I will not go back. I am not certain as of yet, though. We are on a wait list for on-base childcare, but I am not sure how I feel about that so far. We are looking forward to football starting in 2 weeks! We enjoyed watching the Olympics, but now we are back to nothing being on TV. We have seen a few good movies this summer, which is pretty much our main entertainment. We have also taken Dakota to the beach a few times. She loves the dog beach! It will be one thing that we will really miss when we leave. Tyler is taking two classes this semester and doing very well. I have been working on my continuing education units that will be due in February. I want to be done before I start class in October. I have also been taking a photography class. It has been pretty interesting so far. :)

1 comment:

  1. So excited! I can't wait to hear the name. :) I'm glad things are going well.
